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Natural-treasure Tianzun (自然財寶天尊) Lanterns Night Inspection to 5 villages in YanPu Township

Event in Pingtong on 23rd September, 2017 [Welcome you to attend our activity]

Natural-treasure Tianzun (自然財寶天尊) is one of important Tianzuns in Taoism. Natural-treasure Tianzun is one of Tianzuns in Huanghwa three patriarchs (黃華三祖), including Natural-treasure Tianzun (自然財寶天尊), Merit-Promotion Tianzun (功德司祿天尊), Moral-longevity Tianzun (道德延壽天尊).

Huanghwa three patriarchs (黃華三祖) is able to achieve any positive willing, omit negative barriers in the heart, and make people abundance.

Natural-treasure Tianzun (自然財寶天尊) Lanterns Night Inspection to 5 villages in YanPu Township Pingtong will be hold in night on 23rd September.


I. Pray Good Wealth

14:00-17:00 Pray Good Wealth in Huanghwa YanPu classroom

II. Lanterns Night Inspection in 5 villages to Give Good Wealth

18:00 Collect in Huanghwa YanPu classroom

18:20 Set off from Huanghwa YanPu classroom

18:35 JIU-AI village & ZHEN-XING village

19:20 GAO-LANG village

20:00 XIN-WEI village

20:50 YANPU village

21:35 Carry out the Night Inspection

The distance of the night inspection path is 12.2 km.

The activity is free. If you want to join in this activity, please contact 0988303500 or +886-988303500 (international).

Natural-treasure Tianzun (自然財寶天尊)

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